Yes, all orders come with free duplicates for each person within your order.
Absolutely! Check out all of our group discount pricing in the “shop” page of our website: https://magicfakeid.ph/goods –– we have the BEST rates on the market.
Yes! You can mix and match any state and receive the group discount pricing available for all of our products.
We are a verified vendor on https://fakeidvendors.com – you can find us on the Verified Vendor List with many other great vendors. Check out 20+ reviews from previous customers on our product on the homepage of
We are also a verified vendor on the Fake ID Discord server: discord.gg/bouncertips
We can be reached through :
Email : order@magicfakes.biz
We currently accept the following payment methods: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Western Union, PayPal, and Venmo. Please note, Venmo has a 15% added fee.
We constantly change our shipping partners, but you will always receive a final package shipped from USPS. Other packages can be shipped with DHL, FedEx, UPS, or CNE Express.
Stand again a flat surface wall with a solid, neutral color. Wear clothes that will contrast with your background. Make sure your hair is down and use a high definition camera (iPhones work). All photos must be minimum 100kb when uploaded to our site. JPEG, PNG, JPG files work.
Yes! All our IDs are as close to a 1:1 match of the real thing that we can. Not all scanners and scanner software work the same so we cannot guarantee that ours will work everywhere, but they will work with a majority of scanning software available. There are some scanners that no vendor can get theirs to work with. We test all IDs sent out on the normal m250 scanning machine that most stores use.
No, our ID’s are for entertainment and novelty purposes only. We suggest you look at your state laws as some states do not allow you to even have one for fun, but for novelty use.